Welcome to GospelMTv, a website where we are sharing important messages that we have been taught by Apostle Joshua Selman. Where the speaker is emphasising the importance of fatherhood and the qualities that define a true father. The message titled; The challenge of living up to God’s definition of fatherhood

Here are some important points the speaker brings out of this topic:

The speaker is honoring fathers and encouraging men to embrace their role as fathers, regardless of age (from 18 years and above).

Fatherhood is not just about having a wife or children but about being a source, provider, protector, and mentor.

The Hebrew and Greek words for father (“av” and “pater”) mean “source”.

The four major assignments of fathers according to scripture are:

1. Providing for their household

2. Protecting their household

3. Mentoring and creating growth

4. Creating structures for continuity and succession

True fathers create a system of godliness, responsibility, and wealth that makes for succession.

The speaker encourages fathers who have done well in these areas and also offers encouragement to those who may have fallen short, urging them to retrace their steps and start anew.

For a deeper understanding, watch the sermon on YouTube right now. To do this, click on the video below.

The challenge of living up to God's definition of fatherhood
The challenge of living up to God’s definition of fatherhood

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