Welcome to our broadcast! Today we’re discussing the importance of living out our faith through love and service to others. We’re excited to share this message with you. The message entitled:How to Demonstrating Our Love for God and Humanity’  Preached By prophet TB Joshua

Click On The Video Below To watch the Sermon Preached by Prophet TB Joshua
How to Demonstrating Our Love for God and humanity
How to Demonstrating Our Love for God and humanity

The main points of the sermon are:

1. We should demonstrate our love for God by showing compassion and kindness to others.
2. There are many people in hospitals and at home who are in need of our help and support.
3. We should take action to help those in need, rather than just talking about it.
4. Valuing human life is essential, and we should do our best to help those who are struggling.
5. Loving our neighbors as ourselves is a commandment from God, and we should take it seriously.

Some potential applications of this sermon are:

1. Encouraging listeners to visit the sick and those in need.
2. Inspiring listeners to take action to help those who are struggling.
3. Emphasizing the importance of valuing human life.
4. Encouraging listeners to demonstrate their love for God through their actions.
5. Promoting a sense of responsibility and compassion among listeners.

The speaker also mentions the importance of:

– Reaching out to those who are unable to help themselves
– Showing love and affection to those in need
– Continuing to support and help those who are struggling, even if it’s difficult
– Valuing human life and doing our best to help those who are struggling
– Loving our neighbors as ourselves
– Taking responsibility for showing love and compassion to others.

Click on the video below for more details 👇▶️👇
How to Demonstrating Our Love for God and humanity
How to Demonstrating Our Love for God and humanity

Overall, the sermon is encouraging listeners to take action and show compassion and kindness to others, particularly those who are sick, bedridden, or in need.

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